Oxygen Not Included Wiki
This article has not been revised for the current version (U51-600112). It was last updated for AP-398142. It may contain inaccuracies.
This article has not been revised for the current version (U51-600112). It was last updated for AP-398142. It may contain inaccuracies.

Crude Oil is one of the Resources in Oxygen Not Included. It is heavier than Water, Polluted Water and Petroleum.

Occurrences[ | ]

Crude oil can be found in the Oil Biome, which is located above the Volcanic Biome on the bottom of the map. It can also be extracted from an untapped Oil Reservoir by constructing an Oil Well over it. It stacks up to 870 kg/tile when not pressurized.

Production[ | ]

Usage[ | ]

  • Oil Refinery can produce Petroleum from Crude Oil with 50 % efficiency. It requires Duplicant operation.
  • Alternatively, Crude Oil can be heated to above 402.85 °C (turning point + 3 °C) and below 541.85 °C (vaporization point + 3 °C) to get Petroleum with 100% efficiency. It can be easily done by venting heat from nearby magma, or by slightly heating oil from a Leaky Oil Fissure.
    • Despite Petroleum also being a liquid, Crude Oil that converts into Petroleum while in a pipe will still burst the pipe.
  • Despite having heat capacity 2.5 times lower than Water, Crude Oil has 4 times the thermal conductivity and a great temperature range (440 °C), which makes it a decent mid-game coolant.

Trivia[ | ]

  • Before the Automation Upgrade, Crude Oil could not freeze. This made it an excellent tool for cooling.