Oxygen Not Included Wiki
Oxygen Not Included Wiki
This article has not been revised for the current version (U51-600112). It was last updated for LU-356355. It may contain inaccuracies.
This article has not been revised for the current version (U51-600112). It was last updated for LU-356355. It may contain inaccuracies.

Iron is a Refined Metal produced by processing Iron Ore with a Rock Crusher, Metal Refinery, or Smooth Hatches. It can be obtained by making a trip to a Metallic Asteroid with a Cargo Bay. Iron is also produced in its Liquid phase by Iron Volcanoes.


Iron is a main material in Steel production in Metal Refinery. 70 kg Iron + 20 kg Refined Carbon + 10 kg Lime = 100 kg Steel. It requires Duplicants operation.

As a Refined Metal, Iron can be used to build advanced Power systems, buildings, and Automation systems.

Exosuit Forge can produce Atmo Suit with Iron. 300 kg Aluminum or Copper or Iron + 2 unit Reed Fiber = 1 unit Atmo Suit.

Solid Fuel Thruster burns Iron as a fuel.


Metal Refinery can produce Iron from Iron Ore in 1:1 ratio. 100 kg Iron Ore = 100 kg Iron. It requires Duplicants operation.

An alternative way to produce Iron is Smooth Hatches herding. A Smooth Hatch roughly eats 100 kg Iron Ore and excretes 75 kg Iron.

Rock Crusher can produce Iron from Iron Ore too. This is not recommended due to lower efficiency of 50%. 100 kg Iron Ore = 50 kg Iron + 50 kg Sand. It requires Duplicants operation.

Barren Biome contains natural Iron.

Some Meteor Showers bring Iron in Space Biome.

Can be found in Metallic Asteroid.


Iron has no remarkable characteristic, and is the ideal selection when building Conductive Wires.

See also[]

