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This article has not been revised for the current version (U51-600112). It was last updated for an unknown version. It may contain inaccuracies.


Phosphorite has the properties Agriculture and Solid


Phosphorite has the following uses:

  • Ingredient for Fertilizer Synthesizer
  • It is required fertilizer for domesticated Pincha Pepper plants
  • when heat it into Phosphorus, it can act as a high temp heat storage/transfer medium (the only gas with higher Heat Capacity than Hydrogen).  Note: over 300 C to melt it, so limited useful scenarios.
  • It is food for some types of Shine Bug, which translates to a lot of Eggs, which can be used for Omelettes, as well as using the Eggshell for Lime


Phosphorite can be found as a resource in the Caustic biome. It is also excreted by Drecko.
