Oxygen Not Included Wiki
This article has not been revised for the current version (U51-600112). It was last updated for AP-398142. It may contain inaccuracies.
This article has not been revised for the current version (U51-600112). It was last updated for AP-398142. It may contain inaccuracies.

Tile is used as wall and floor segments to build rooms. Duplicants get a 25% runspeed bonus on Tile.

Usage[ | ]

Tile is the basic building block of a colony and is used to build walls, floors, and ceilings that do not require the properties of a more specialized type of Tile. It is also used in colonies to increase the walking speed of Duplicants and to slightly increase the Decor value of their surroundings.

Due to their cheap cost and quick building time, they can be used to temporarily reach certain places, get a stuck Duplicant out of trouble or block liquids from flooding the colony.

Mechanics[ | ]

  • Tile will stop the passage of gasses and liquids. However, if a high pressure liquid is pressing against Tile, the Tile may be damaged by pressure and start leaking small amounts of liquid through it. The amount of pressure required depends purely on material, and four Tile thick walls/floors will prevent leakage under any pressure.
  • Tile does not allow Light to pass.
  • Hatches cannot hide in Tile.