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缺氧 Wiki


-- Module:Data/Food
local fstr = mw.ustring.format -- shortcut for formattig a string
local yesno = require('Dev:Yesno')
local sepEntry = "@@@@@@@@"
local sepField = "@@$$"
local fields = {
    "名称", --
    "图片", --
    "描述", --
    "游戏本体", -- default true
    "眼冒金星", -- default true
    "能量", --
    "品质", --
    "冷藏温度", --
    "深度冷冻温度", --
    "腐烂时间", --
    "原料1", --
    "原料 1", --
    "数量1", --
    "数量 1", --
    "原料2", --
    "原料 2", --
    "数量2", --
    "数量 2", --
    "原料3", --
    "原料 3", --
    "数量3", --
    "数量 3" --

local paramInclude = {}
for _, v in ipairs(fields) do
    table.insert(paramInclude, fstr("{食物信息框}:%s", v))
paramInclude = table.concat(paramInclude, ",")

local dplArgs = {
    uses = "Template:食物信息框",
    notcategory = nil,
    namespace = "",
    include = paramInclude,
    format = ",@@@@@@@@%TITLE%,",
    secseparators = sepField,
    includesubpages = "false",
    skipthispage = "no"
local dplResult = mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction('#dpl:', dplArgs)
local entries = mw.text.split(dplResult, sepEntry, true)

local p = {}
for i = 2, #entries do
    local curr = entries[i]
    local currFields = mw.text.split(curr, sepField, true)
    local namedFs = {}
    namedFs.id = currFields[1]
    for i, f in ipairs(fields) do
        namedFs[fields[i]] = #currFields[i + 1] > 0 and currFields[i + 1] or nil

    local currOut = {}
    currOut["id"] = namedFs.id
    currOut["名称"] = namedFs["名称"] or namedFs.id
    currOut["图片"] = namedFs["图片"] or
                            fstr("File:%s.png", currOut["名称"])
    currOut["描述"] = namedFs["描述"]
    currOut["游戏本体"] = yesno(namedFs["游戏本体"] or '', true)
    currOut["眼冒金星"] = yesno(namedFs["眼冒金星"] or '', true)
    currOut["能量"] = tonumber(namedFs["能量"])
    currOut["品质"] = tonumber(namedFs["品质"])
    currOut["冷藏温度"] = tonumber(namedFs["冷藏温度"])
    currOut["深度冷冻温度"] = tonumber(namedFs["深度冷冻温度"])
    currOut["腐烂时间"] = tonumber(namedFs["腐烂时间"]) and
                                  tonumber(namedFs["腐烂时间"]) > 0 and
                                  tonumber(namedFs["腐烂时间"]) or 0 -- 0 for infinity

    local ingredients = {}
    for j = 1, 5 do
        local vname = namedFs[fstr("原料 %d", j)]
        vname = vname or namedFs[fstr("原料%d", j)]
        local vnum = namedFs[fstr("数量 %d", j)]
        vnum = vnum or namedFs[fstr("数量%d", j)]
        if vname ~= nil and vnum ~= nil then
            table.insert(ingredients, {["原料"] = vname, ["数量"] = vnum})
    currOut["原料"] = ingredients
    p[namedFs.id] = currOut

return p
-- mw.logObject(p)